Workshop A: Building the Foundation for Quantum Analysis in Construction Disputes (morning half-day workshop, 8:30 - 12:00)

Trainers: Gabriel Armanet and Cremona Cotovelea

A half-day workshop covering the foundational concepts of Quantum Analysis including:

  • Different basis for the quantification of construction costs
  • Key questions for the adequacy of construction costs
  • Discussion of cost groups and their relevance for disputes
  • How to substantiate cost in a dispute

Lunch included - join us after the workshop!

Workshop B: Dispute Board Chair - Role and Responsibilities (afternoon half-day workshop, 13:00-17:00)

Pre-requisite Required: DRBF DB Administration & Practice Workshop

Trainers: Leo Grutters and Arent van Wassenaer

The DB Chairing Workshop is an intensive program designed to address the issues involved in chairing DBs and is for practitioners who are interested in, or are currently serving, as DB chairs. It includes case study, lecture, demonstrations, exercises, discussion of chairing issues and the exchange of experiences and suggestions for improving the DB process for owners, contractors and DB members. It is required that participants have taken the Dispute Board Administration and Practice Workshop prior to attending this one. The following subjects are included:

  • Scheduling and Conducting Project DB Meetings
  • Dealing with Ethical Issues
  • Organizing and Conducting a Hearing
  • Reaching DB Agreement on Recommendation
  • Writing a Recommendation
  • Request for Reconsideration and Clarification

Lunch included - Join us at 12:00 after the morning workshop for lunch!