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DRBF Connections: Common Law - Civil Law DB members. Does it matter?
Thursday, June 17, 2021, 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM BST
Category: Webinar

DRBF Connections: Common Law - Civil Law DB Members. Does it matter?

June 17th, 2021 10 UTC | Register in advanced: https://bit.ly/3fRWXH4

When an international DB member has a legal background, does their experience from their home jurisdiction make a difference? How do they approach the resolution of disputes in another jurisdiction with a different legal tradition? The panel will discuss the similarities and differences between common law and civil law legal traditions, the necessary skills and qualities of an effective Dispute Board member, and aims to definitively answer the question: Does it matter if the DB member is from a common law or civil law country? Join this DRBF members-only webinar series on topics of interest to the Dispute Board community in Europe and beyond.


Adriana Spassova, FIDIC Adjudicator and Trainer

Emilian Traista, Independent Consulting Engineer

Sean Gibbs, DRBF R2 Director, CEP Hanscomb Intercontinental

Georgiana Tecuci, DRBF R2 Director representing Europe & DRBF Country Rep. for Romania

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