Jenifer Alfaro holds a is Doctor in law and Social Sciences. She is a Lawyer, Notary Public, and FCIArb. Professor in Commercial Law, International Trade and International Arbitration, undergraduate and graduate, in Uruguay and abroad. Jenifer has 7 books and more than 90 articles published in specialized magazines and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Union Internationale des Avocats UIA. She is former Director of the Uruguayan Bar Association and Vice President of the Association of Notaries of Uruguay. Currently a Member of the Board of Directors of CMYA LIDECO and Founding Partner of ALPHABETO URUGUAY.
Con más de 30 años de experiencia profesional como abogada especializada en el área fiscal, mercantil y corporativa en el seno de la primera firma española de auditoria, asesoría fiscal y legal de ámbito internacional (habiendo sido durante más de 15 años socia de la misma) y como asesora en gobierno corporativo, con Diploma IC-A para Consejeros Profesionales, es Consejera certificada por el Instituto de Consejeros Administradores (IC-A), y participante activa en foros internacionales de actualización de consejeros tanto en Europa como en EEUU.
Luis Humberto Arrese Orellana is a lawyer from the University of Chile, Master in Construction Law from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and Diploma from the Faculties of Engineering of the University of Chile and University of Santiago. Chairman of the Working Group for Construction Contracts at the International Confederation of Contractors Associations (CICA). Board Member of the Latin American Association of Construction Law (ALDEC). Former director and founding partner of the Chilean Society of Construction Law. Featured by Leaders League, Latin Lawyer, The Legal 500 and by Whos Who Legal in the last years as Leading Individual and Thought Leader for Latin America in Construction category.
Ricardo Barreiro Deymonnaz is a founding and managing partner of Barreiro Oliva De Luca Jaca Nicastro Abogados, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he heads the Infrastructure and Construction Group and co-heads the Natural Resources and Energy Group. He has over twenty years’ experience in infrastructure and construction law, with a focus on the oil and gas, mining and energy sectors. He advises local and multinational corporations in large-scale projects. Ricardo is co-Chair of the International Construction Projects Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA), Council Member of the Section of Energy, Environment, Resources and Infrastructure Law of the IBA (SEERIL), founding member and President of the Argentine Society on Construction Law (SADEC), and Honorary Secretary of The English-Speaking Union of Argentina. Ricardo is a fellow of the International Academy of Construction Lawyers and is consistently listed as a thought leader and global elite construction lawyer by Who’s Who Legal.
Augusto Barros de Figueiredo, is vice president at SWOT Global Consulting and partner at Barros de Figueiredo Avogados in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He holds a Law degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a Master in Business Economics from the Center of Legal and Economic Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Afterwards, he obtained a LL.M. in International Private Law and International Commerce from the University of Paris 1 (Sorbonne) and a Master in Global Business Law from the Paris Institute of Political Science (Science Po). He is a member of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation Region 2 Board of Directors, co-chair of the Infrastructure Task Force (Arbitration and Mediation Commission) for ICC, member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr), mediator, author of numerous legal articles and co-author of the book “Arbitration and Mediation in Intellectual Property, Sport and Entertainment”, published in 2014. After the project at Rio 2016 Organising Committee he is currently the Head for Dispute Prevention and Resolution, Infrastructure and Construction at Bastos-Tigre, Coelho da Rocha, Lopes e Freitas Advogados. Prior to that, he has gained extensive experience as in-house lawyer in large Brazilian and multinational companies.
Gustavo Bayona, Abogado experto en las materias de contrataciones del Estado; derecho de la construcción; negociación; gestión contractual y solución alternativa de disputas. Cuenta con estudios de Postgrado en Derecho de la Construcción por la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC, Postgrado en Contrataciones del Estado por la Universidad Continental de Ciencias e Ingeniería – UC, Postgrado en Gerencia de la Construcción por la universidad Privada de Tacna –UPT y de especialización en Arbitraje y Junta de Resolución de Diputas por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - PUCP. Es miembro de la Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF); miembro de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho de la Construcción (ALDEC); miembro de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho de la Construcción (SPDC), miembro del Consejo Directivo de la Comunidad Latinoamericana de Peritos en Construcción (CLAPEC), Miembro del Consejo de Arbitraje y Resolución de Disputas Ankawa Internacional (CARD – AI) y Miembro honorario del Círculo de Arbitraje con el Estado (CAE). Pertenece al registro de adjudicadores y Árbitros de los principales Centros de Arbitraje y Resolución de Disputas del Perú. Conciliador Extrajudicial registrado en el Ministerio de Justicia; Presidente de la Escuela de Gestión de Obras Públicas (EGOP) y de la Asociación de Buenas Prácticas en Contrataciones del Estado (ABPCE). Docente de los cursos de Introducción a la Junta de Resolución de Disputas, la ejecución de contratos con el Estado, Obras Públicas y Solución de Controversias en la Universidad Continental – UC, Universidad Católica San Pablo, ESAN /Instituto de Regulación & Finanzas Fri.Esan, Mayo Educación Ejecutiva, Centro de Formación Continua de la UNAM e Instituto Peruano de Capacitación – IPC Perú. Expositor habitual en temas relacionados a las contrataciones del Estado, arbitraje y junta de resolución de disputas.
Fátima Cristina Bonassa – PhD in International Law and Master in Economic and Financial Law, University of São Paulo Faculty of Law. Heads F Bonassa Advogados, founded in 1989, dedicates herself to the national and international business consultancy with outstanding experience in infrastructure contracts and public procurement. Expert in negotiation, mediation and national and international arbitration. DRBF member. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb).
Doctora en Derecho Internacional y Magíster en Derecho Económico y Financiero, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de São Paulo. Es la titular de el buffet FBonassa Abogados, fundado en 1989, se dedica a la consultoría empresarial nacional e internacional con una destacada experiencia en contratos de infraestructura y contratación pública. Experto en negociación, mediación y arbitraje nacional e internacional. Miembro de DRBF. Fellow de el Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb).

Jerry Brodsky is a partner and Director of the Latin American Practice Group at Peckar & Abramson. Mr. Brodsky is trilingual (English/Spanish/Portuguese) and is certified by the Florida Bar as a Construction Law Specialist. Many of Mr. Brodsky’s matters involve multi-cultural domestic or cross-border transactions and disputes. His practice includes the representation of international and domestic general contractors, construction managers, sureties and other construction professionals in the United States and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, in the preparation of contract documents, negotiation, mediation, arbitration and litigation of construction contract claims, construction and design defect claims, insurance claims, surety bond claims and related matters. Mr. Brodsky’s practice and experience includes mega-projects for transportation and other infrastructures, as well as industrial, commercial and residential engineering and construction projects. Mr. Brodsky also provides training services and counseling to domestic and international clients in the areas of contract negotiation and legal project administration/risk management. Mr. Brodsky represents and has served as project counsel during the procurement, negotiation, implementation, administration and post-completion phases of mega-projects, using both traditional and project finance/public-private partnership delivery models. Mr. Brodsky also serves as referee and dispute board member in international disputes involving construction of infrastructure projects in Central America and has been engaged to develop, implement and administer a program of dispute boards for upcoming world sporting events in Brazil. Mr. Brodsky is admitted to practice in the State of Florida and the United States District Courts for the Northern and Southern Districts of Florida. He is a member of the Florida Bar and the Dade County Bar, and has served as an officer of the international division of the Forum on Construction of the American Bar Association. He received his bachelor of science in industrial engineering from Lehigh University and his law degree, summa cum laude, from the University of Miami.
Rosa Bueno de Lercari
Alex Campos, is an attorney with a Master of Laws degree from New York University (NYU), has more than 25 years of experience in the negotiation and execution of private and public infrastructure projects in different public and private infrastructure projects in their different schemes (PPP, public works and G2G), as well as in the G2G), as well as in the resolution of construction disputes through arbitration and other alternative mechanisms.
Cristian Contador
Christian Díaz Barcia, Mediator, Adjudicator and Arbitrator, is partner at LPA Legal & Consulting Costa Rica and Director of the International Arbitration Practice. He has an LLM in Corporate Law at the Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional (UCI) Costa Rica, a Postgraduate Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration at Queen Mary London University, and is alumni of the ICC Latin America Arbitration Academy. Christian has training in FIDIC Contract Models and Dispute Boards. For 10 years was Arbitral Secretary at the Dispute Resolution Centre at the Costa Rica Chamber of Engineers and Architects. He is a mediator, arbitrator and Dispute Boards member. In Costa Rica, he is arbitrator at CICA, CCA, CRC-CFIA y CNDR-FEDEFUTBOL, in CARC-PUCP (Perú), CESCON (Panamá) and CeCAP (Panamá). He is a Dispute Board member at CMA (El Salvador); of counsel consultant at IDB Costa Rica; and Country Representative for Costa Rica of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation. Christian also serves as the President of the Board of Directors of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho de Construcción, ALDEC.
Juan Eduardo Figueroa Valdes Former judge of the Supreme Court of Chile. Experienced with working in the field of real estate and construction for more than 30 years in Chile, giving legal support in all stages of the business to construction companies and real estate companies. Legal Advisor for the U.S. and Peruvian Embassy in Santiago Chile in real estate transactions. Expert advisor for the Chilean Chamber of Construction in issues of construction law. Chambers and Partners Latin America 2012 – 2022 recognized me as one of the Notable Practitioner in real estate and construction in Chile. Who´s Who construction 2018-2022 recognized me as a leader in this field. Wide experience as a chair, co arbitrator and arbitrator in international arbitrations administrated by ICC and CAM Santiago. Serve as an Chairman in several Dispute Boards in Chile. Fellow of The International Academy of Construction Lawyers, former vice president of the Chilean Society of Construction law and member of the Latin American Group of the ICC.
Eric Franco is a lawyer, dispute board member, arbitrator and lecturer. Has worked on construction and engineering projects and disputes in Latin America, Europe and Asia, as in-house counsel for owners and for an international contractor, as well as external counsel, dispute board member, arbitrator and legal expert. Currently works as disputes global expert at the Engie Group and is general counsel of Engie in Peru. Sits regularly as dispute board member, arbitrator and acts as legal expert. Lecturer on construction law and dispute resolution in Peru and visiting lecturer at Kings College London, Universidad de los Andes, Chile and Universidad Austral, Argentina. As an arbitrator, is involved mainly on construction and engineering disputes related to private and public works contracts for the construction of power plants, mineral processing plants, sewage projects, roads, ports, airports, hospitals, shopping malls, schools, buildings and public private partnership contracts. Recognized as a distinguished arbitrator by Arbitrator Intelligence and as a highly recommended arbitrator by Leaders League.
Luis Fukunaga is a Senior Executive, Chartered Civil Engineer (CIP N°50029), Master of Business Administration, Master in Project Management and Concessions, Dispute Board Practitioner, Adjudicator, Expert Judgment, and Consultant. Postgraduate studies in the United States, Spain, Japan, and Peru. Expert in the Engineering, Construction, Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnerships sectors with more than 27 years of an outstanding international professional career managing companies and portfolio of large-scale projects within the Transport, Mining, Energy, Education, Health, Oil&Gas, Buildings and Water industries delivering high levels of performance demonstrating integrity, ethical values, and transparency in all activities. Relevant experience being appointed by parties as Dispute Board under FIDIC and NEC Models, as well as Peruvian Contracting Law belonging to the Lists of Adjudicators from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Asociación Zambrano from Perú and Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos from Costa Rica. Posgraduate Professor in charge of Project Management, Construction Management, PMO, and Public-Private Partnerships programs. Holistic vision, strategic thinking, agile mindset, and achievement orientation. Adept at partnering with teamwork-building trust, working collaboratively, sharing knowledge, and communicating effectively. Excel at leading multidisciplinary teams in challenging environments implementing strategic solutions, providing agile responses, solving complex disputes, and inspiring people.
Nelson Gallardo
Marcela Garcia Rivas, Lawyer Specialized in Administrative Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
Jaime Gray is a founding partner of the Peruvian law firm Navarro Sologuren, Paredes, Gray Abogados (aka NPG Abogados). He is a lawyer specializing in engineering and construction law, and DAB member and arbitrator in both private and public major infrastructure projects. He lectures construction law at Universidad del Pacifico and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Currently, Gray is the Co-Vice Chair of the Project Establishment Sub Committee of the International Construction Projects Committee (ICP) of the International Bar Association (IBA). He is a fellow of the International Academy of Construction Lawyers and is the DRBF Representative for Peru. He was the first President of the Peruvian Society of Construction Law (sponsored by the SCL UK).
Augusto Gutiérrez is Associate Director at Gleeds, and current Contract Manager at NEC4 contracts for the PEIP Escuelas Bicentenario Civil Engineering by PUCP, MBA by Adolfo Ibáñez University and INCAE, with complete MDI studies from the Madrid Polytechnic University. Project Manager of the NEC3 certified by the ICE from UK. He has experience in PMO of large programs, management of Standard contracts such as NEC and FIDIC, and participation in DABs and DAABs. In addition Augusto has over 25 years' experience and spanning a decade in large public infrastructure projects, either as an independent consultant, as part of UK consulting firms, or as part of client public management teams. From 2018 to 2019 he worked in Lima 2019 and led part of the infrastructure of this great program of projects and event. In 2020 he was in charge of the Peruvian pavilion for Expo 2020 in Dubai, and since 2021 he has been working at Gleeds advising and executing more than one component of the G2Gs of the ARCC and the PEIP Escuelas Bicentenario.
César Guzmán Barrón Director Centro de Analisis y Resolucion de Conflictos en Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Magíster en Humanidades y Abogado con más de 30 años de experiencia en el ámbito de las negociaciones, evaluación y gestión de conflictos. Mediador, conciliador, facilitador y árbitro. Director del Centro de Análisis y Resolución de Conflictos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Docente universitario en pre y post grado en cursos de Arbitraje nacional e internacional, solución de Conflictos Socio Ambientales, Comercio Internacional y de Negociación y Conciliación, que dicta en diferentes universidades del país.
Especialista en la aplicación de mecanismos de solución de conflictos no judiciales – negociación, facilitación, conciliación, arbitraje, creación de consenso- para la búsqueda de soluciones integrativas en controversias comerciales y también socio ambientales relacionados con proyectos relacionados a grandes obras de infraestructura y de construcción, así como proyectos extractivos.
Roberto Hernandez is a lawyer with a Master’s Degree in Administrative Law from the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico Campus. He is a specialist in National / International Construction Law and Public Procurement; Dispute Resolution; and Corporate Integrity. He has worked as a Dispute Board member for nearly a dozen projects under FIDIC and ICC rules. He has also served as chair of the "International Construction Projects Committee" of the IBA and as President of the Committee on Dispute Resolution in Construction of ICC Mexico. Roberto has completed specialized studies in infrastructure and negotiation at the universities of Harvard, California and Florida. He is editor of several books in the field.
José Hernández, Lawyer, MBA, member of the DRBF, with studies in High Complexity Project Management at the University of Cambridge, with more than 15 years of experience in counseling and support of Infrastructure Projects. Currently Legal and Contracts Manager for the Expansion of Jorge Chavez International Airport, in Lima, Peru.
Roberto Laguado is part of the Interamerican Development Bank’s procurement team and currently supervises the procurement of works financed by this Bank in Argentina. For the past 15 years Roberto has worked in the Region of Latin American and the Caribbean focusing on developing strategic plans to enhance and strengthen capacities of public buyers with special focus in countries such as Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Jamaica, Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic. Currently, Roberto supervises the fiduciary procurement implementation of IADBs portfolio in Argentina, of around US$12 billion and contracts of nearly US$2 billion per year. Among his latest tasks in Argentina is supporting IADB borrowers in implementing the use of FIDIC contract conditions and Dispute Boards in 40 projects of Roads, Energy and Water and Sanitation sectors. Roberto holds a LLM from Warwick University in England and graduate studies in public, commercial and international law.
Jaime Li is a lawyer with a degree in law from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), Master in Regulation of the UPC, former fellow of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the master's degree in Public Private Partnerships from which he obtained the Master's degree in Public Private Associations and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Project Management at the International University of Valencia (Spain). It has an international certification in Financial Management by the American Academy of Financial Management - AFFM, Chair Latin America Chapter of the World Association of PPP Units & Professional (WAPPP), has various specializations in APP projects and with university extension studies at Harvard University. Has performed with efficiency advice to various national and international public entities and private companies in the area of PPPs, public procurement, administrative law and regulation of public services. Currently, he works as an advisor, in the execution and execution of projects public-private partnership, public and private entities.
Mario Linares
Thierry Linares is a Managing Director in the construction practice of FT Consulting's Forensic and Litigation team in Paris. He has 17 years of experience managing the various components of project controls, both on the contractor and client side. Thierry has been extensively involved in the set-up, management and development of activities of project control: budget and cost control, planning, contracts and subcontracts administration, risk management, and analysis of key performance indicators. As such, Thierry has developed a comprehensive knowledge of issues relating to cost, scheduling, procurement, risk and contract management within the construction industry, and applied those in claims writing, review and expertise. Thierry has been focused on dispute resolution for the last four years, has experience testifying in ICC arbitrations as delay and quantum expert and has been selected by the Who's Who Legal as being among the world's leading Consulting Expert and Expert Witness yearly since 2018.
Carlos López El Ing. Avilés es Ingeniero Civil titulado en 1978 por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Tiene experiencia directa en el campo de la ejecución, supervisión y contratación de obras alcanzada durante los últimos 42 años. La experiencia se ha ganado tanto en el campo de la ejecución como en la supervisión de obras trabajando para empresas contratistas como Graña y Montero S.A., COSAPI S.A. y ABL Ingenieros S.A., instituciones públicas como el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo (INADE) y como supervisor de obras trabajando en LAGESA Ingenieros Consultores en la supervisión de grandes proyectos con financiamiento local e internacional, como asesor de Montgomery Watson Inc., y hasta diciembre del 2015 como Especialista en Manejo de Contratos en Nippon Koei LAC Sucursal del Perú. Desde 1999 hasta la actualidad participa en procesos de solución de controversias como Árbitro, Perito y Adjudicador en Dispute Boards y Juntas de Resolución de Disputas, así como asesor independiente, y en la elaboración de documentos de licitación con la norma nacional y bajo modelos FIDIC para obras con financiamiento de organismos multilaterales (Banco Mundial, BID, JICA, KfW) y docencia universitaria a nivel de post grado. Es Past presidente del Centro de Arbitraje y ex director del Centro de Peritaje del Consejo Departamental de Lima del Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú. Desde 2015 hasta febrero de 2019 se desempeñó como Gerente General y socio fundador de LLV CONSULTORES S.A.C. empresa líder en el Perú en temas de solución de controversias. Actualmente es el asesor principal de LLV Consultores SAC
León López Civil Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú and MBA from the Universidad del Mar, Chile, with more than 42 years of experience in planning, scheduling, cost estimation and control, risk management, project management, contractual management and dispute resolution for engineering and construction projects. He has a wide and comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of project management in all phases of the life cycle and in various industries such as mining, oil, infrastructure, roads, bridges, transmission lines, and urban construction. He has developed his professional practice in various projects and investment portfolios in the modalities of EPC, EPCM and Construction, in stages of conceptual, basic, and detailed engineering and construction, for both international private clients and public companies. He has been Corporative Project Control Manager for important Canadian and Australian engineering companies in Chile, implementing project management processes, methodology and control systems, including training and professional development of work teams. He has a Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification, and he is an Authorized Training Partner (ATP®) certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI®), trainer of PMP® Certification courses and topics related to Project Management, such as Risk Management, Programs and Portfolios, PMO, Cost Estimation and Control, Scheduling, etc. He has taught specialty courses in different countries, such as Chile, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela, for private and public companies and professional training institutions. He is a university professor at important universities in Peru and a visiting professor at the University of Chile in specialization courses on public and private works contracts and project management. He is a consultant in contract management for the management of contractual disputes for dispute resolution, conciliation, and arbitration boards, having participated as an adjudicator in Dispute Adjudication Boards for important public projects as well as a technical expert in national and international arbitration processes, both for private and public companies.
Victor Madeira is a partner of Madeira, Valentim & Gallardo Advogados and Vice President of the Brazilian Institute of Construction Law, and he is recognized by the construction industry as one of the most notable Brazilian lawyers in the area of Construction Law. He has been repeatedly considered by “Análise Advocacia 500”, “Who’s Who Legal” and “Expert Guides” as one of the leading Brazilian lawyers in the areas of Construction and Project Finance. He is a lawyer with over 20 years of experience in the construction and infrastructure sector, highly specialized in the drafting and negotiation of construction contracts, public tenders and PPPs, financing of major works and complex arbitration and litigation. Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP), Victor Madeira also has a significant role as arbitrator and member of dispute boards in conflicts involving the construction sector and infrastructure
Ricardo Medina Salla Arbitrator and ADR Leading Partner at Toledo Marchetti Oliveira Vatari & Medina Advogados Author of the first Brazilian Law acknowledging the use of dispute boards by the public administration. Bachelor, Master and PhD Candidate in International Law at the University of São Paulo
Juan Carlos Mejia
Sandra Montes Head of the Dispute Boards area of the National and International Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Lawyer from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Master's Degree in Public Administration from the Universidad San Martin de Porres and EUCIM Business School. Specialization in International Arbitration, Construction Law, Administrative Law and Government Contracting. More than 10 years of experience in dispute resolution as party counsel, arbitration secretary, and legal advisor of different national and international companies and entities.
Amalia Moreno
Carlos Nuñez specializes in the legal structuring and execution of Public and Private Infrastructure Projects, including advising on various contractual, corporate, financial and arbitration issues related to them.
In recent years he has participated in most of the tenders and tenders announced by PROINVERSION for the award of infrastructure projects under the P3 modality, advising local and international clients on their participation, especially in the areas of road infrastructure, airport, railway, port and energy.
Likewise, he has actively participated in the elaboration of Private Initiatives for the development of infrastructure projects for public use and service, in the transportation, health and entertainment sectors.
On the other hand, Carlos has extensive experience sponsoring clients in arbitration proceedings derived from infrastructure concession contracts for public use and public and private works, having developed an important specialization in the solution of controversies in the construction sector.
Today, Carlos co-leads the Latin America Arbitration Practice for DLA Piper. Likewise, he chairs de Peruvian Society of Construction Law since August 2021.
Katia Nuñez
Ana Claudia Oliveira Ingeniera Civil con más de 25 años de experiencia en la industria de la construcción, actuando en América Latina como dispute board member, consultora, en posiciones de alta dirección y como parte del equipo para la ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura de gran envergadura en diversos sectores y edificaciones de alta complejidad para fines comercial e industrial.
Gestión de proyectos de manera integral con liderazgo en los aspectos técnicos, financieros, contractuales, tributarios y legales, aplicando distintas modalidades de contrato: Alianza, Obra Pública, Asociación Publico Privada (APP), FIDIC, EPC, EPCM, O&M, contratos de financiamientos estructurados (project finance), contratos de fideicomiso, entre otros.
Dispute Board Member. Adjudicadora de Juntas de Resolución de Disputas, Perito y Miembro en Directorios. Afiliada a los Colegios de Ingenieros del Perú y de Brasil. Miembro en Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF), Parte de la nómina del ICC International Centre for ADR para actuar como Experta y Miembro de Dispute Boards, Asociada a la Sociedad Peruana del Derecho de la Construcción.
David Ortiz Gaspar
Ignacio Palacios holds a BSc (hons), MRICS, MCIArb and is a member of the DRBF Region 2 Board of Directors. He has extensive experience in the construction industry after being involved in multimillion-dollar projects in Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America. He currently works as a Regional Director for Quantum Global Solutions a large, global and independent claims consultancy.
Gustavo Paredes Partner at the law firm NPG Abogados. Specialist in Construction Law, Public Procurement and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Master’s degree in Business Law from the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lecturer in Construction Law at the Law Faculties and Postgraduate Schools of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and the Universidad del Pacífico. President of the Peruvian Society of Construction Law 2019-2021 and founder of the Latin American Association of Construction Law. Member of the International Construction Projects and Dispute Resolution Section of the International Bar Association (IBA) and of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF). Has 25 years’ experience in conflict management in the engineering and construction sector.
Raúl Peña
Jose Phun Ingeniero Civil, con línea de carrera en Gestión de Proyectos, Administración de Contratos, Construcción, Consultoría y Supervisión, con 28 años de experiencia en la ejecución de Obras de Infraestructura Civil y Vial, en el sector público y privado. Maestría en Administración de Empresas en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas. Miembro del Centro de Peritaje y Adjudicador del Centro de Arbitraje del Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú, miembro de la Comunidad Latinoamericana de Peritos en Construcción – CLAPEC, y Miembro de la Dispute Resolution Board Fundation - DRBF. Actualmente actúa como Perito, adjudicador en Junta de Resolución de Disputas, y miembro en Dispute Boards con la ARCC y Escuelas Bicentenario.
Marcela Radovic is an attorney with more than 18 years of experience in contractual and claim management in construction industry in Chile and other countries in Latin America, focusing mainly in the mining, energy, retail and public infrastructure sectors. She is Founder and Director of Chilean Society of Construction Law and has earned a master’s degree in Regulation at London School of Economics University. Marcela is also a Professional Coach and Candidate for a Master's Degree in Coaching and Leadership from Barcelona University. Concerning her teaching experience, Marcela is Professor of “Magister de la Construcción” of the Engineer Faculty of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Professor of Universidad de Los Andes in Construction Law and Professor of Universidad de Talca in Construction Law. She has been a member of Dispute Resolution Board Foundation since 2009 and serves as the DRBF's Representative for Chile. She has also been a member of International Bar Association since 2014.
Maria Eliana Rivarola Rodríguez es Ingeniera civil egresada de la Universidad Nacional deIngeniería, con diferentes diplomados en Supervisión de Obras, Arbitraje, Derecho Administrativo, Contrataciones con el Estado y Tasaciones de Bienes e Inmuebles. Experiencia profesional de 38 años, ganados en trabajos con el Estado y particulares; hatrabajado en instituciones públicas como el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, ENAFER, Ministerio de Salud, Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima, Ministerio de Agricultura y en diferentes empresas privadas. Como profesional independiente ha sido Consultora y Supervisora de diferentes obras viales y educativas.
Luis Alonso Robas
Magali Rojas
Beatriz Rosa Xavier da Silveira es Socia Fundadora de Tarobá Engenharia e Negócios Ltda en Brasil. Es graduada en Ingeniería de Producción Mecánica por UNIP-Instituto de Educación en Ingeniería de São Paulo, cuenta con maestría en Tecnologías y Gestión de Cogeneración y Generación Distribuida por la Escuela Politécnica de São Paulo-USP y especialización en Ingeniería de Defensa por IME- Instituto de Ingeniería Militar. Ha estado actuando como miembro de Dispute Boards en Brasil y Perú, así como árbitra, mediadora y ingeniera experta en procedimientos judiciales y arbitrales. Fue Directora de la Cámara de Mediación y Arbitraje del Instituto de Ingeniería y del Centro de Mediación del Sindicato de la Construcción Civil del Estado de São Paulo. En Brasil se encuentra en la lista de árbitros y mediadores del CMA-IE, Cámara de Mediación y Arbitraje de IBDE-Instituto Brasileño de Estudios del Derecho de Energía, CAMES, CAE, Cámaras de CIESP/FIESP y de FIEP y IMAB. Se encuentra en la lista de mediadores del CAMARB, CAM-CCBC y CMS. En los EUA, se encuentra en el Panel de Neutros del CPR- The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution y miembro de DRBF-The Dispute Resolution Board Foundation. Fue directora del CONIMA- Consejo Nacional de Instituciones de Mediación y Arbitraje y es directora del IBDiC-Instituto Brasileño de Derecho de Construcción.
Luis Otavio Rosa
Luis Ruiz
Ann Russo is Executive Director of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation, the non-profit association dedicated to the use of Dispute Review Boards worldwide. She is co-editor of the "Dispute Board Manual: A Guide to Best Practices and Procedures." Prior to joining the DRBF, she served as Public Relations Manager for J.A. Jones, Inc., an international construction and engineering firm based in Charlotte, NC, USA. She received the DRBF's President’s Distinguished Service Award in 2005.
Javier Sánchez Llópez is operations director in Driver Group. Javier has a strong background in project management, contracts, claims management and dispute resolution with over 18 years international experience on construction and engineering projects in internationally. Javier holds a Bsc in engineering, a MA in economics and a LLM in construction law. Javier is also a chartered by RICS and CICES.
Javier’s principal focus is advising contractors, subcontractors and project owners in relation to claims management and dispute resolution. His knowledge and expertise ranges from the preparation and rebuttal of claims in relation to delay, disruption, variations and loss of productivity and quantum issues, through to providing Expert services. Javier has been appointed as lead Expert Witness on multiple occasions under various rules of arbitration.
Javier is the former President of the Spanish Society of Construction Law and is recognised as Future Leader in the areas of “Experts – Construction – Quantum and Delay” and “Arbitration Experts” by the prestigious legal publication Who´s Who legal. He also lectures in the Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Law of Los Andes University in Chile.
Javier is an active DAB member with current engagements.
Eduardo Sanhueza is a Civil Engineer, Master Business Law (MBL) and Master Business Administration (MBA). He has worked in contractual and claim management for more than 20 years in Chile and Latin America, in public and private contracts, in the Mining, Infrastructure, and Building sectors. He has been an Expert and Advisor for Principal, Construction Companies and Courts in controversies of different types, whose amounts exceed USD2,000 million. He has participated as DB and Mediator in Public and Private Infrastructure contracts. He was the representative in Chile of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation. His expertise is: technology building materials, structures and behavior of buildings; Construction management, development of new services in techno construction, energy efficiency in buildings; Forensics engineering in defective structures and construction contracts.
Patricia Seminario
Reiner Solís Doctor en Ingeniería y magíster en Gerencia de Proyectos. Ingeniero por la PUCP. Perito internacional en claims, miembro de DABs en contratos FIDIC, NEC y adjudicador en Juntas de Resolución de Disputas. Vicepresidente de la Comunidad Latino Americano de Peritos en construcción- CLAPEC, Gerente de ANETRIC SAC, reconocido por la revista francesa LEADERS LEAGUE en el Ranking 2021 de firmas expertas en la elaboración de informes técnicos de expertos. Perito en GRUPO REGIAN SAC. Se desempeñó como gerente general, gerente de obras, supervisor, ingeniero residente y representante legal en importantes proyectos de infraestructura.
Marianella Ventura
Mijail Vizcarra
Alex Wagemann Abogado de la Universidad de Chile, Master en Construction Law de la Universidad de Stuttgart, Alemania y Diplomado en las Facultades de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Chile y Universidad de Santiago. Chairman del Grupo Mundial de Trabajo para Contratos de Construcción en la Confederación Internacional de Asociaciones de Contratistas (CICA). Miembro del Directorio de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho de la Construcción (ALDEC). Exdirector y socio fundador de la Sociedad Chilena de Derecho de la Construcción. Destacado por Leaders League, Latin Lawyer, The Legal 500 y por Whos Who Legal en los últimos años como Leading Individual y Thought Leader para Latinoamérica en la categoría de Construcción.
Benito Zelaya is the Managing Partner of Lexincorp Central American Law Firm -Honduras, working as the Director of the Dispute Resolution Practice through the law firm. He is a currently a Lawyer, has a master’s degree in Law, LLM from the Catholic University of Chile, a Doctorate in Law from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), possesses a Postgraduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law, Mediation and Arbitration from the University of Salamanca, as well as a Postgraduate degree in International Business from Georgetown University. Skillfully trained in FIDIC Contracts and Dispute Boards by the ICC and FIDIC. Recognized advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services (INSEP) in Honduras, also the College of Engineers of Honduras (CICH), Invest -H. Active arbitrator and member distinct Dispute Boards. Benito A. Zelaya Cálix, is currently on the Arbitration List by the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Tegucigalpa (CCA-CCIT), also an arbitrator in CeCAP (Panama) and in the CARC of the PUCP of Perú. Member of the List of adjudicators of the Mediation and Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador. At this moment, he is the "Country Representative" in Honduras of the "Dispute Resolution Board Foundation". He was a member of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC 2018-2021. President and Founder of the Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA), Honduras chapter, also has a membership in the Latin American Association of Construction Law ALDEC.