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Join the DRBF for a full day in-person event on the nuances of Dispute Board (DB) application within the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region. Topics include an overview of DB application and best practices, CRCICA and international DB Rules, and a look at dispute avoidance and opinion.  

Whether you are curious to learn more about Dispute Boards in MENA, or having been working with them for many years, there is something for every level of dispute resolution and project management professional.   

Registration Fees (all fees in US$):

DRBF Member - $225 | Egyptian National - $105 (with discount code)
Non-member - $275 | Egyptian National - $125 (with discount code)
Government/Academic - $250 (with discount code)

Optional Workshop Registration Fees (all fees in US$):

DRBF Member - $200 | Egyptian National - $80 (with discount code)
Non-member - $250 | Egyptian National - $100 (with discount code)
Government/Academic - $175 (with discount code)

A Very Special Thank You to the Following Sponsors
and Supporting Organizations



Cancellation/Refund Policy

All registration cancellations and refund requests must be submitted by 31 October by writing to [email protected]. A refund of the full conference and/or workshop fee, minus a $30 administrative fee, will be given for cancellations received by that date. No refunds will be granted for requests submitted after 31 October. The DRBF regrets that refunds will not be given for no-shows. The DRBF recognizes that circumstances may arise, such as a medical emergency or unforeseen illness which cannot be anticipated. In these circumstances, refunds may be given beyond the cancellation date. Please submit any exceptions to [email protected].