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The DRBF offices will be closed Monday, 27 May in observance of the US Memorial Day Holiday. Office will reopen on 28 May.

Welcome to the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the avoidance and resolution of disputes worldwide using the unique and proven Dispute Board (DB) method.

The DRBF provides assistance with the worldwide application of the Dispute Board method by providing advice and suggestions tailored for the conditions and practices existing in project areas. The rapid spread of the process worldwide has resulted in the process being used on hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of construction projects, achieving avoidance of numerous disputes and delivering significant savings. The DRBF provides guidance on effective DB implementation tailored for the conditions and practices existing in project areas, as well as training DB practitioners and promoting best practices. All project owners and employers are encouraged to read the Dispute Board Manual: A Guide to Best Practices and Procedures, which offers a thorough review of the DB concept. It is written to assist users of the method such as owners, construction managers, architects, engineers, and contractors to employ the process more effectively.

Dispute Board Concept

A Dispute Board (DB) is a board of impartial professionals formed at the beginning of the project to follow construction progress, encourage dispute avoidance, and assist in the resolution of disputes for the duration of the project. Dispute Boards are commonly referred to as Dispute Resolution or Review Boards in the US, and Dispute Boards internationally, but may be referred to by a variety of terms such as Dispute Avoidance Board (DAB), Dispute Review Board (DRB), Dispute Review Panel (DRP), Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board (DAAB), and many others. While they may be referred to in different ways, their function is essentially the same, which is to encourage dispute avoidance and to resolve disputes.

There are several models for the structure of Dispute Boards worldwide. These DB models are distinguished by their primary role within a project (dispute avoidance or resolution, or both), the number of DB members (one or three), the duration of the DB (standing or ad hoc) and the nature of the rules or procedures under which the DB operates.

Learn More About Dispute Boards

The Benefits of Membership

As a member of the DRBF you become part of unique group of like-minded professionals helping contracting parties utilize the Dispute Board method for better project delivery. It is our mission and purpose to provide critical information on setting up a DB and education professionals on how to achieve the maximum benefits of dispute avoidance as well as timely resolution. In addition:

  • Gain access to the DRBF’s extensive information library and contacts
  • Receive newsletter publications and a quarterly journal
  • Be a key player in the evolution of the Dispute Board process and steer the future of dispute avoidance in the industry
  • Build your network and connections with other project owners and contractors through annual events and committees
  • Connect with other DRBF members throughout the world through the Community Forums
  • Get member discounted pricing on all DRBF events and training workshops
  • And more!
Learn More About Membership